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Stories of the Messiah

With Rabbi Schneider

Stories of the Messiah with Rabbi Schneider explores biblical icons like Noah and David, revealing how their stories intertwine with Jesus, our ultimate hero. These pivotal individuals highlight historic feats and foreshadow Jesus as a beacon of hope.

Part 2 of this podcast, Nativity: Hope is Born, revisits the pivotal event of Christmas, navigating through prophecies and a nation’s deep longing for their Messiah. Beyond the account of Christ’s birth, it celebrates God’s boundless love for humanity.

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About Rabbi Schneider

In 1978, a vision of Jesus on the cross appeared to a young Jewish man, awakening his faith and leading him to passionately pursue Messiah Jesus. This man, Messianic Rabbi K. A. Schneider, immersed himself in the New Testament and has since dedicated over four decades to spreading the word of God. He now hosts "Discovering The Jewish Jesus," a television and radio program that offers deep insights into Jesus’ Jewish heritage and Messianic prophecy, available to millions globally.

Several years ago, Rabbi Schneider was called by God to be an evangelist, leading him to witness thousands of salvations through broadcasts and global outreaches.

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Stories of the Messiah Devotionals

Jesus is the Greater Joseph

Joseph's fall into the grave and rise as a kind king was a preview of Jesus.

Jesus is the Greater Moses

Moses stood before the sea, but it was God who parted it.

Jesus is the Greater Jacob

Jesus humbled himself for us, died on the cross, and rose again to transform us.

Jesus is the Greater Isaac

Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice