Jesus is the Greater Joseph

Jesus is the Greater Joseph

Joseph's story shows us that God can turn tragedy and darkness into something good. This is also Jesus's story – he overcame darkness to save us.

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Colossians 1:21-22
Jealousy and bitterness led Joseph into slavery, just as they led Jesus to the cross. But God used these tough times for something good. Joseph went to prison but later became a king. Jesus was laid in a tomb and then showed he was the King with great power. Joseph forgave the people who hurt him, and even though we sinned against Jesus, he came to save us from our sins. Both Joseph and Jesus chose love over hate and redemption over revenge. We benefit from that love. The similarities between Jesus and Joseph continue. Joseph's fall into the grave and rise as a kind king was like a preview of Jesus. Jesus died on the cross, rose from the grave, and now offers us a fresh start. Joseph's story shows us that God can turn tragedy and darkness into something good.
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