Jesus is the Greater Isaac

Jesus is the Greater Isaac

Jesus, Abraham, and Isaac all demonstrated an important quality for us to embody - trust. They all trusted in the will of God, even when the path forward seemed treacherous.

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Luke 22:42
Jesus, Abraham, and Isaac all showed us something important - trust. They had unwavering trust in God, even when things seemed tough. Abraham and Isaac's test foreshadowed what God the Father and Son would go through. God the Father, like Abraham, would offer his son as a sacrifice. God the Son, like Isaac, willingly gave up his life and obeyed his Father's will. This powerful idea runs through the Bible. But Jesus did something Isaac didn't. He gave his life as a sacrifice, paying for all of humanity's sins. While Isaac's obedience to his father was beautiful, it was just a small part of what Christ did when he obeyed the Father and saved humanity.
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