Jesus is the Greater Jacob

Jesus is the Greater Jacob

Like Jacob and the woman at the well, we must struggle with God to realize he alone is in control. When we humble ourselves and cry out to God for blessing, he is swift to restore, redeem, and resurrect us.

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John 7:38
Jesus is the one who gave Jacob a new name and fixed his relationship with his brother. Like the woman at the well, Jacob had issues with pride and self-reliance and needed to change. Jesus came to help Jacob and the woman at the well let go of their self-reliance. Just as Jesus wrestled with Jacob that night and gave him a new purpose, he also transformed the woman at the well. Like Jacob and the woman at the well, we have to struggle with God to understand that He's the one in control. Our efforts to be good, satisfied, and blessed always fall short. When we humble ourselves and ask God for blessings, He quickly restores, redeems, and revives us. Jesus humbled himself for us, died on the cross, and rose again to transform us, just like Jacob.
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