The Forerunners of Christmas

The Forerunners of Christmas

Jesus is our High Priest, who connects us to the heart of God.

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Hebrews 4:16
A special connection between the Old and New Testaments is seen in the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist. Zechariah, an Old Covenant priest, foretells the atonement of Jesus. In Luke's account, Zechariah enters God's presence with fear, contrasting with Jesus, our High Priest. Unlike the Old Covenant priests, Jesus connects us to God's heart, allowing us to approach with boldness and assurance. Elizabeth's long wait for a child mirrors Israel's hope for the Promised Son. Despite barrenness, God gives her John, symbolizing how He fills our hearts with new life. John's miraculous conception foreshadows Mary's extraordinary burden, revealed in the next episode. Through these stories, we see God's miraculous work in our hearts, bringing new life and changing the world.
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