The First Promise of Christmas

The First Promise of Christmas

During Christmas, we celebrate the long-awaited birth of the Promised Son of redemption. The fact that his arrival has been anticipated since the Garden of Eden should make us all the more amazed during Christmas.

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1 Timothy 1:15
Today, let's explore the Christmas story. People often see heaven and Christmas in material terms, but true joy is in God's presence. Eden was special because it was a place of harmony with God. After Adam and Eve sinned, they were banished from the garden, but God gave a promise of a future Redeemer. The fact that His coming was foretold since the days of the Garden of Eden should fill us with even greater wonder during this holiday season. The Hero of history, the One who promised to restore humanity and crush the head of Satan himself, was born into the world. It's truly astonishing! May this truth overwhelm you and reignite the awe of Christ's birth this Christmas. Amid the hustle and bustle of the season, don't let the wonder and joy of Christ's birth be stolen away. Thanks to Christmas, Eden's unity with God is restored in our hearts through faith in Jesus.
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