Rise of the Emperor

Rise of the Emperor

Christmas is not only a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but it's also an opportunity to reflect on the Kingdom He brought into this world.

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Philippians 2:5-8
When Caesar ruled, Israel faced challenges like higher taxes and strict Roman control, setting the stage for events leading to Jesus' birth, including the census that took Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. This story also shows the contrast between Rome's kingdom and Jesus' Kingdom. Caesar sought power and worship, and Jesus brought a Kingdom of grace and self-sacrifice. This Christmas, let's reflect on these differences. As we celebrate, may we imitate our humble King, serving in love and finding joy in the hope of His eternal Kingdom. Reflecting on the manger, we see the promise of a Kingdom not of this world. Our King has come and will come again, bringing lasting peace. This Christmas, let's embrace the humility, love, and unity of God's Kingdom, finding joy in the true King, Jesus.
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