Joseph's Struggle

Joseph's Struggle

This Christmas, let us strive to model Joseph's example in our own lives. When we feel betrayed or hurt, may we have the strength to choose mercy over judgment, remembering that God chose mercy for us, gifting us His Son to guide us toward love.

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James 2:13
Let's focus on Joseph's discovery of Mary's pregnancy. Often overlooked, Joseph plays a vital role in the Christmas tale. At a critical moment, Joseph chooses to show anger or choose me. Despite his right to punish Mary, Joseph's character shines as he opts for mercy, revealing the power of meekness. The story delves into Joseph's inner struggle and his decision to divorce Mary quietly. This act of mercy aligns with God's mercy in the Christmas story. An angelic dream later guides Joseph, emphasizing the divine plan. Reflecting on Joseph's example, we're encouraged to choose mercy in our lives, mirroring God's gift of Jesus. This Christmas, let's emulate Joseph's compassion in the face of betrayal, recalling God's mercy in sending His Son for love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Just as Joseph played a crucial role, we, too, contribute to God's narrative by embracing life's unexpected turns, becoming part of His grand story of salvation and mercy.
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