Jesus is the Greater Noah

Jesus is the Greater Noah

Just as Noah emerged from the dark and cold ark, Jesus arose from the tomb. A rainbow acted as a promise to Noah and his descendants that God’s covenant would endure throughout the ages.

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Genesis 9:13
Did you ever notice that the story of Noah isn't really about him? Have you ever wondered why? Noah isn't the hero here; it's God! Noah, his family, and the animals received God's grace. They were kept safe in the ark because God couldn't let sin spread and destroy everything. So, God decided to cleanse the world of sin's corruption. The flood symbolizes a life without God, dark and chaotic, and God's judgment of sin. The ark, made of wood and filled with animals, is like The Garden of Eden, a safe place where God's favor is kept. And then there's the rainbow, a symbol of God's promise and salvation. The story of Noah and God's salvation through the ark reminds us of the real significance of the rainbow. It directs us to God's promise of salvation through Jesus.
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