Jesus is the Greater Jonah

Jesus is the Greater Jonah

Jonah's story foreshadowed Jesus' journey to the cross, the grave, and resurrection. So, we can confidently say that Jesus is the greater Jonah.

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Matthew 12:41
We've all wanted God to show Himself in special ways, especially when we doubt, suffer, or struggle with our faith. The Pharisees asked Jesus for miracles, wanting Him to prove Himself, but Jesus didn't need to. He performed miracles to help the suffering and teach about God, not to prove His worth. The Pharisees had already seen Jesus perform miracles, but they wanted signs on their terms. We must be careful not to miss everyday miracles by wanting God to act our way. However, Jesus did offer them one sign - the sign of Jonah. Jonah, in the fish's belly, symbolizes God's judgment and the grave. Jonah emerged after three days, just like Jesus' resurrection. Jonah's story foreshadowed Jesus' journey to the cross, the grave, and resurrection.
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