Jesus is the Greater Elijah

Jesus is the Greater Elijah

Jesus is the greater Moses who led us into greater liberation. Jesus is also more significant than Elijah. While Elijah facilitated miracles, Jesus was a miracle.

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1 Kings 18:37
Elijah, a renowned prophet, stood up for his beliefs against hundreds of prophets of Baal and societal decay. He teaches us about courage and standing firm for our faith. However, even after witnessing miracles, Israel struggled to turn from idolatry, showing that miracles alone don't guarantee faith. Elijah's faith was built on intimacy with God and understanding His word. The Apostle Peter, despite witnessing miracles, also struggled to understand and have unwavering faith. His experience reflects our own. On a mountaintop, he wanted to build monuments to Moses, Elijah, and Jesus. However, Jesus was greater than both Moses and Elijah. He fulfilled the Law and was the ultimate prophet, cleansing corrupt hearts. God emphasized Jesus' supremacy, declaring, "This is my son! Hear him!" So, we are certain that Jesus is greater than Elijah.
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