Jesus is the Greater David

Jesus is the Greater David

David may have defeated Goliath, but he could not conquer his sin. But Jesus was victorious over sin!

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2 Corinthians 2:14
Jesus and David have several connections. First, Jesus is a direct descendant of David from the tribe of Judah. God made a promise to David that the ultimate King would come from his family, and Jesus fulfills that promise. Second, the brook (Kidron) that Jesus crossed to approach his enemies was the same one David crossed to escape his enemies. David, despite his heroism, had moments of scandal and cowardice in his life. But where David fell short, Jesus succeeded. Jesus went towards those who betrayed him and fearlessly faced the enemy. Lastly, David's story points to Jesus' ultimate victory over sin, death, and destruction. Second Corinthians 2 tells us that God leads us to triumph in Christ Jesus.
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