Jesus is the Greater Cain

Jesus is the Greater Cain

The firstborn lamb that Abel brought to God foreshadowed the sacrifice God would bring to redeem us all and get us back into paradise. Jesus is the greater Cain, who overcame evil.

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Hebrews 11:4
Unraveling the tale of Cain and Abel, we are given hints as to why Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, such as it being the firstborn of his flock. Cain’s response to someone else having what he thought was his revealed his corrupt heart. Make no mistake, Cain’s crime was not primarily against Abel. No, Cain was aiming his fist straight at God. Many people do this today. They are angry at God and believe they have been cheated by him somehow, so they take it out on others - often innocent people. We see this manifested in random acts of violence, online bullying, and even more sinister acts like school shootings. Eve gave Cain a name that essentially meant, “Here he is!” She thought Cain was the promised child to redeem humanity and kill sin. But Cain wasn’t the promised child after all. He was an embodiment of the evil that took over humanity. So who was the promised child? If not Cain, then who?
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