Jesus is the Greater Boaz

Jesus is the Greater Boaz

Jesus is our avenger and the protector of our souls. When we were slaves to our sins, Jesus paid for us and made us free! And finally, when we were loveless and without any hope, Jesus gave us a promise of redemption.

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Ephesians 1:7
The widow in this story faced a situation like Naomi and Ruth. She lost her husband and son, which meant a life of servitude or worse for her back then. But Jesus saved her by bringing her son back to life. He does the same for us. If we look at the role of a Kinsman Redeemer, we see that Jesus fulfills all of it for us. When we were trapped by sin, Jesus paid the price with his blood. Jesus is our defender and the guardian of our souls. He set us free when we were slaves to our sins. And when we felt unloved and hopeless, Jesus promised to redeem us. He calls us his bride because, like Ruth, we've been redeemed. In all these ways, we're sure that Jesus is the ultimate Kinsman Redeemer. Jesus is the greater Boaz.
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