Jesus is the Greater Adam

Jesus is the Greater Adam

In Eden, Adam and Eve's choice led to sin but also introduced Jesus, the 'greater Adam'.

1 Corinthians 15:22
Adam and Eve grappled with a momentous choice in the lush Garden of Eden. They were confronted with a decision: whether to adhere to God's divine plan or assert their autonomy. A crafty serpent lured them into eating the forbidden fruit, which ultimately led to their rebellion and expulsion from paradise. This fateful event marked the inception of humanity's ongoing struggle with sin and separation from God. Yet, this narrative is not just a tale of despair; it's a profound story of redemption and unwavering hope. It introduces us to Jesus, often referred to as the "greater Adam." He, too, faced temptation but remained resolute in His faith. After a period of perfect living, Jesus willingly endured the cross, conquering sin and shame. His sacrifice paved the way for our restoration, mirroring the fall and rise of humanity.
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