Jesus is the Greater Abraham

Jesus is the Greater Abraham

Abraham's journey was marked by multiple tests of faith, from leaving his homeland and saving his nephew to fathering a child at an old age. Through his journey, God was shaping Abraham into a conduit of His blessings.

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Romans 4:3
Just like God promised, Abraham became the father of a great nation. The children of Israel faced slavery, the wilderness, wars, oppression, and pride, but God remained faithful to them. Through them, Jesus, the great hero from heaven, was born. However, not everyone immediately recognized him as the Messiah. People often questioned his identity. But now we know that he is the promised redeemer, the one from Abraham's lineage who brings blessings to all nations. During a conversation with religious leaders, he said, "Before Abraham, I AM." This means that Jesus existed before Abraham and even before life itself. He's the one who spoke life and light into being, created humans from dust and made the heavens and the earth. Jesus is God himself, so he's more than a patriarch of faith or part of a great family line. He is God, and we place our faith in him!
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